Securing Safe School Environments
In 2024, IGLYO provided €10,000 IGLYO Grants for 3 new projects implemented by our Member Organisations in the EU, in addition to supporting the grantees with expertise. This year’s thematic areas were: contributing to more inclusive education systems; counteracting the anti-gender movement; and strengthening accessibility. You can learn more about the IGLYO Grants Programme on this page.
Our Member rede ex aequo used their IGLYO Grant to contribute to more inclusive education systems, and work towards creating a safe and inclusive school environment that specifically protects LGBTI youth in Portugal.
To achieve this aim they engaged with school staff, including teachers, school psychologists and administrations, through training and a specialised conference. They also sought to reach the general public through a campaign, to supplement their work to foster a more inclusive environment in schools, by increasing awareness within the general public.
Training for school staff
This training for school staff focused on raising awareness about SOGIESC issues and discrimination, as well as supporting teachers, administrations, psychologists and school support staff to react to LGBTI-phobic bullying and discrimination, to adequately accommodate trans students and to learn the legal provisions surrounding these topics in the education system.
Conference on Inclusive Education and Supporting LGBTI youth
Based on the work done in the training sessions and in the schools that they had developed partnerships with, rede ex aequo held a full-day conference developed for school staff members from all schools and to young people who are studying to become teachers and school psychologists.

This involved workshops that touched upon topics such as those covered in the training sessions, but reaching a broader audience from other schools and regions, and a seminar where key people from schools and staff shared examples of best practices. The conference had 14 people attending the workshops in person, and 60 participants overall (online and in-person).
Awareness-raising Campaign
This part of the project relied on visual materials to raise awareness of LGBTI youth and the discrimination they suffer in school, perpetrated by peers, school staff and administrations. It focused on dismantling anti-gender narratives, as well as humanising LGBTI youth in the eyes of the general public.
A large part of this work was achieved through videos created for YouTube, Tik Tok and Instagram Reels to reach a wider audience with clear, accessible and engaging content.
They also created a set of visuals which could be used in both static and dynamic public advertising displays across the country. By partnering with 7 schools, 18 civil society organisations and 7 municipalities, they covered a total of 13 Portuguese districts (out of 18).
With this project and IGLYO’s support, rede ex aequo reached schools and universities that they had not yet reached, in more conservative regions of Portugal. This project served as a means to create partnerships with more entities and disseminate the work to a broader audience. The school staff they trained will undoubtedly have a positive impact on all youth they encounter for years to come.

By raising awareness about LGBTQI-phobic discrimination, they have changed their schools’ environment for the better. With these trainings and the conference, school staff will better welcome and care for their LGBTQI students, and more promptly respond to LGBTQI bullying.
IGLYO are thankful to rede ex aequo for their thoughtful, strategic, and effective use of the grant provided to them. We look forward to this work blossoming further in the years ahead!

With the support of
The IGLYO Grants Programme is funded by the Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV) 2021-2027 programme of the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.