About IGLYO Grants
Launched in 2023 as a continuation of our mentorship project (2021-2022), our IGLYO Grants Programme aims to increase IGLYO’s impact by supporting our Members’ activities on the ground, as well as their work directly addressing the needs of local communities.
Every year, we provide €10k grants to three EU-based Members based on a call for applications. But financial assistance is not all, we also provide expertise and support the Members all along the implementation of their projects.
The Grants Programme focuses on supporting organisations which are new, volunteer-based, and do not have easy access to funding.

Selected Projects 2024
In 2024, our Member Transfeminiinit (Finland) is using their IGLYO Grant to work with two trans artists to produce and distribute across the country two posters against the anti-gender movement (read more). Our Member rede ex aequo (Portugal) aims to foster an inclusive environment in schools in the current hostile political climate in Portugal through a conference, training for professionals, and online awareness campaign (read more). And our Member Trans*Parent & QTY CZ (Czech Republic) aims to enhance the organisation's accessibility to better serve the needs of autistic, neurodivergent, deaf, and disabled queer and trans youth (read more).
Selected Projects 2023
In 2023, our Member the Lithuanian Gay League (Lithuania) used their IGLYO Grant to make the Lithuanian Government aware of the direct negative impacts of the Lithuanian “Law on the Protection of Minors" on the LGBTQI students in Lithuania (read more). Our Member Szimpozion (Hungary) supported LGBTQI youth in the face of a growing hostile anti-LGBTIQ climate by organising various events and activities (read more). And our Member TransAkcija (Slovenia) used their IGLYO Grant to build a new visual identity and communications strategy to have a more powerful voice as a trans organisation in the Slovenian landscape (read more).

Funded by
This grant scheme is open only to IGLYO’s Member Organisations registered in European Union Member States and is funded by the CERV Programme 2021-2027 of the European Union.