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IGLYO Grants 2024: Discover the 3 Selected Members' Projects

June 18, 2024

Ready? Set... Grants!

As part of our IGLYO Grants Programme 2024, we are awarding three grants of €10,000 each to three of our Member Organisations based in EU Member States for the implementation of projects on three streams: LGBTQI Inclusive Education; Countering the Anti-Gender Movement (for trans- or intersex-led organisations); and Improving Accessibility.

On top of financial assistance, IGLYO will also be providing technical support by working closely with the selected organisations in the implementation of their projects.

Upon a call for proposals, we are now excited to announce the three projects selected as part of our IGLYO Grants Programme 2024:

Read on below to learn more about each of the selected projects — and subscribe to our newsletter or stay tuned on our channels to keep informed on their development!

Rainbow Schools | rede ex aequo, Portugal

Our Member rede ex aequo's Rainbow Schools IGLYO Grants Project aims to respond to the recent political shifts in Portugal, marked by the ascent of far-right parties with the power to revoke progressive laws and negatively impact the lives of LGBTQI youth across the country. 

This political climate poses a threat to the rights and well-being of LGBTQI youth, particularly trans students in schools, who face increased discrimination and targeted attacks from conservative movements.

With this in mind, the Rainbow Schools project Is composed of three main activities:

  1. An Awareness-Raising Campaign: A campaign will be designed to combat the anti-gender ideology and humanise LGBTQI youth. It will make use of visual materials, including a video and display ads, launched before and during the school year. The visuals will be showcased in outdoor locations and in schools, aiming to raise awareness about the discrimination LGBTQI youth face and counteract the inflammatory discourse propagated by far-right movements.
  1. Training for School Staff: This programme will provide 40 school staff members, including teachers, administrators, psychologists, and support personnel, with training on issues and legal provisions related to sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, and variations of sex characteristics. The training aims to equip them to address LGBTQI-phobic bullying, support trans students, and create a more inclusive school environment.
  1. A Conference on Inclusive Education and LGBTQI Youth: A full-day conference will be organised for school staff and future educators, featuring workshops on inclusive practices and a seminar on best practices. This conference will build on the training sessions and partnerships with schools to promote broader support for LGBTQI youth.

Through these activities, rede ex aequo aims to counteract the negative impacts of the current political climate, mitigate misinformation and hate speech, and foster an open, inclusive environment in schools, ultimately aiming to improve the mental health and well-being of young LGBTQI individuals in Portugal and beyond.

Grant Amount & Budget: €10,000 | Duration: 2 May 2024 - 15 November 2024  | Target Groups: LGBTQI youth, School staff and the general public

Countering Anti-gender Rhetoric with Trans Comics | Transfeminiinit, Finland

Through their Countering Anti-gender Rhetoric with Trans Comics IGLYO Grants project, our Member Transfeminiinit aims to raise awareness among youth in Finland about the anti-gender movement and transphobia, equipping them with the knowledge and tools to counter the hate promoted by this movement. The project focuses on spreading accurate information and debunking myths about trans and intersex identities, and the lives of trans and intersex youth.

Transfeminiinit will create two comic posters providing an engaging and informative way for young people to learn about trans and intersex identities. The posters will be commissioned to trans artists, thereby supporting their work and sharing it to a national platform. The posters will be distributed to youth centres, schools, and youth-related healthcare providers across Finland.

Additionally, a social media campaign will complement the poster distribution, sharing the comics with a much wider audience, furthering the reach of the campaign and maximising its impacts.  As part of it, Transfeminiinit will also produce short interviews to showcase the project artists, their work and trans art in general. This project is designed to provide a safe environment for trans youth in Finland, who, as Transfeminiinit hopes, will gain support against rising transphobia and anti-gender rhetoric.

Transfeminiinit expects increased awareness and understanding of anti-gender discourse and transphobia among youth and adults, which will help counteract the damage done to trans youth by a hateful campaign of misinformation from anti-gender groups. Transfeminiinit ultimately wants to promote a safer and more supportive environment for trans youth, to make trans youth feel seen and supported and educate allies on the dangers of anti-gender rhetoric.

Grant Amount & Budget: €10,000 | Duration: 2 May 2024 - 15 November 2024  | Target Groups: Trans youth, youth in general, parents and the general public

Accessibility & Allyship: Disability Justice | Trans*Parent and Queer & Trans Youth CZ, Czech Republic

The Accessibility & Allyship: Disability Justice IGLYO Grants Project by Trans*parent & QTY CZ in the Czech Republic aims to enhance the organisation's accessibility to better serve the needs of autistic, neurodivergent, deaf, and disabled queer youth while empowering queer and trans youth with intersectional understanding of their needs. 

The project seeks to achieve this by developing relationships with relevant NGOs representing disabled people, creating clear accessibility guidelines for their events, offering sign language training and organising awareness workshops on intersectional allyship.

Trans*parent & QTY CZ will begin with the preparation and distribution of a needs mapping questionnaire designed with external experts, researching international accessibility initiatives, and consulting with relevant organisations to create a clear vision of how to achieve a truly inclusive organisation. 

Once this has been completed, they will draft accessibility guidelines based on their research findings, and present them to their community members for further input. Pilot activities and events will then be conducted to put the new guidelines into practice, with feedback from these sessions analysed for evaluation and refinement of guidelines. 

Alongside these guidelines, Trans*parent & QTY CZ will organise workshops on intersectional allyship, plan wheelchair-accessible events, organise sign-language training for its volunteers, and communicate project activities on social media, to ensure their work can have the greatest impact for disabled community members.

The project is expected to positively impact the organisation, community, and society by increasing comfort and wellbeing for marginalised members, raising visibility, reducing stigmatisation, and fostering intersectional awareness. 

Grant Amount & Budget: €10,000 | Duration: 22 May 2024 - 15 November 2024 | Target Groups: Neurodivergent and deaf queer youth, disabled queer youth , trans and queer youth and organisations working on disability rights.

What’s next?

The three Member Organisations will now start to implement their project, with the support of IGLYO staff members bearing expertise in the topics covered by each project. In the coming months, we will be coordinating our efforts with the three Members to communicate about the development of their projects.

If you are interested in learning more about how each project goes, feel free to subscribe to our newsletter, or to simply stay tuned on our channels!

The IGLYO Grants Programme is funded by the Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV) 2021-2027 programme of the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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