About this Report
The higher rates of violence and discrimination young LGBTQI people face have an impact on their mental health. These problems arise in families, schools, health services, employment, and other areas of life. Access to healthcare and mental health services that are LGBTQI-informed and competent to support young people can be limited, further hindering the ability of young people to seek appropriate care and support.
The unparalleled impact on people’s health and well-being has created the conditions for a European Health Union, with several policy initiatives being discussed. These issues and opportunities underscore the urgency of understanding and addressing the needs of LGBTQI young people and mental health. However, there has been limited research into our experiences and needs, especially around mental health in the European region.
This IGLYO report is the first step in filling this gap in current research and an opportunity for the experiences and stories of LGBTQI young people to inform the decisions of those in power. With this research, we want to know more about LGBTQI youth’s needs and barriers to mental health. In this report, we explore topics such as anxiety and depression and try to understand what helps and what hinders LGBTQI young people’s mental health. We also look into the experiences of accessing support services. These results will inform our work with European and national authorities responsible for supporting LGBTQI youth and their mental health.
This is a first version of the report, the final designed report will be published shortly.