Let's Talk about our Mental Health!
As LGBTQI youth, we often experience outsized barriers to enjoying our right to health. However, spoiler alert: There has been limited research into our experiences and needs, especially around mental health across the European region.
With this in mind, we at IGLYO — The International LGBTQI Youth & Student Organisation are carrying out an anonymous survey designed for LGBTQI young people between 14 and 30 years old. We want to contribute to filling this gap and ensuring that our needs as LGBTQI young people are considered and met when it comes to our mental health.
This is where you come into play: Your experience and story as an LGBTQI young person can have a real impact for you and the whole community, no matter your experience with mental health!
What is the survey about?
With this survey we want to know more about LGBTQI youth’s needs and barriers to mental health. We explore topics such as anxiety and depression, and try to understand what helps and what doesn’t help LGBTQI young people’s mental health. We also look into the experiences of accessing support services and the factors that may affect our mental health.
Why are we doing this survey?
We will be using the results of the survey to inform our work with European and national authorities responsible for supporting LGBTQI youth and their mental health. We want to push for better services and legislation that is informed by the experience of young people.
Who can take the survey?
The survey is open to all LGBTQI young people between 14 and 30 years old based in the Council of Europe Member States (see full list here). Even if you have not faced any mental health problems, you can participate. Having your input will help us understand the bigger picture! .
The survey is entirely anonymous and should take approximately 20 minutes to complete. The survey is available in English, Arabic, Italian, French, German, Lithuanian, Spanish and Turkish (more languages will be added later on). We would appreciate your response by 4 December 2023 (extended deadline). We thank you in advance for your precious input!
This survey is carried out by IGLYO with the support of the Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV) 2021-2027 Programme of the European Union and the Council of Europe's SOGI Unit. The contents of the survey are the sole responsibility of IGLYO and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Commission or the Council of Europe.