Mentoring and financial assistance for our Members' projects
IGLYO is excited to announce its 2022 Mentoring Project for Capacity Building for our Member Organisations. IGLYO will provide mentoring and financial assistance to two Member Organisations to design and implement small projects with a capacity building function. The goal of the Mentoring Project is to provide a learning experience through practice in terms of your organisation’s capacity building.
In 2021, IGLYO worked with two Member Organisations: eQuiVox and QueerSista, and together designed and organised trainings, workshops and resource development with financial and technical support from IGLYO.
Through this call, IGLYO’s smaller and younger member organisations are invited to submit simple proposals for one capacity building initiative (trainings, workshops, organisational development, any other learning opportunity) and IGLYO will provide technical and financial assistance to two selected proposals by working closely with the implementing organization. Here are some elements to consider:
– Your organisation must be registered in a Council of Europe member state for no longer than 7 years and your 2021 annual income must not exceed Eur 20,0000; you must be an IGLYO member organisation;
– Your organisation must be able to appoint a volunteer Project Coordinator who will work closely with IGLYO’s Programmes Department, thus increasing the capacity of your organisation to design, implement and evaluate projects and learning opportunities;
– IGLYO will cover direct expenses related to your project by paying directly these expenses and not through regranting; salary costs are not eligible. The maximum amount of the financial assistance is Euro 4000.
Please send us your initiative idea by filling in this Application Form, before 30 April 23.59 CET. This will be the easiest grant application form you will have ever written!
If you have any questions, please write an email to Tudor, IGLYO’s Programmes Manager, at
The Mentoring Programme 2022 was funded by the Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme (REC) 2014-2020 programme of the European Union.