About this call
IGLYO's Governance Team is an advisory body selected by the Executive Board and ratified by the Membership at the AMC. They support the Board and the Secretariat on specific issues such as governance, finances, and the General Assembly.
If this role speaks to you, read our full call below and apply as per our instructions by 31 August 2023 at 23:59 CEST. You can also read this full call in PDF here.
Who are we?
IGLYO — The International Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Trans, Queer and Intersex Youth and Student Organisation is the leading youth development and leadership organisation working with LGBTQI young activists. With over 110 Member Organisations based in more than 40 countries in the Council of Europe region, IGLYO unites a great variety of individual and community experiences. You can learn more about IGLYO here.
What is the IGLYO Governance Team?
The Governance Team is IGLYO’s outside advisory body. It is selected by the Executive Board and ratified by the Membership, and supports the Board and the Secretariat on specific issues such as governance, finances, and the General Assembly.
Their role is to provide governance, financial and human resources advice to the Board and Secretariat, including an annual independent assessment on the books as they are presented to the General Assembly. The Governance Team can also submit independent motions or suggestions to be discussed and voted on by the General Assembly at the AMC. It is a valuable source of knowledge with which they assist the Executive Board and the Secretariat, in particular the Executive Director.
The Governance Team is appointed for a three-year term through an open call. Following that, the Executive Board and the Secretariat select two Advisors who are ratified at the General Assembly. Their mandate ends when, after three years, a new Governance Team is ratified at the Annual General Assembly.
Who can apply for the IGLYO Governance Team?
Besides bearing the knowledge and skills to achieve the tasks described above, we are looking for Advisors who fulfil the following requirements:
- The role of Advisors in the Governance Team is a volunteer and non-paid position.
- Be available to serve from October 2023 until the AMC in 2026 (usually in September or October).
- If possible, be able to travel and attend (or join online) specific in-person Board Meetings with the Secretariat. These are usually held at least once every three months (all travel and subsistence costs will be covered by IGLYO), but the participation of the Advisors is only required for some of them.
- Preferably have a fluent level of English, as all work is done strictly in English.
- Preferably have knowledge of Belgian laws focused on organisation management, finances, internal regulations, funding opportunities, and overall governance of LGBTIQ European NGOs.
- Preferably have some experience working or collaborating with IGLYO in the past as the majority of the work is directly connected to working within the organisational processes and particularities of a youth international organisation such as IGLYO.
IGLYO particularly encourages applications from underrepresented groups and communities such as young women, trans youth (including non-binary), intersex youth, young people from Black communities, other communities of colour and ethnic minorities, refugees/migrants, sex workers, disabled youth (including neurodivergent youth), young people living with HIV, and fat young people.
How to apply?
To apply for to become an IGLYO Governance Team Advisor you simply need to provide:
- A short motivation letter (max 400 words) in which you should include information about yourself (full name, pronouns (optional), country of residence), as well as the experience and expertise you would bring to this position. Please also focus on which of the tasks listed in this call you could take on by becoming part of the Governance Team (see “What is the IGLYO Governance Team?” section above).
- An email address on which we would be able to reach you for any additional information and the following steps.
Please send your application to our Board Member João (they/he/she) at joao@iglyo.com by 31 August 2023 at 23:59 CEST. Your application will be revised by the Executive Board and the Executive Director, and you will be notified regarding the next steps of the process via email some time after the application deadline.
For any questions, please contact our Board Member João (they/he/she) at joao@iglyo.com.