Bringing our Members to the Heart of the EU
Our EU Study Visit gathered 14 young LGBTQI activists from our Member Organisations across Europe in Brussels, Belgium, for 3 amazing days of learning, peer learning & advocacy at the heart of Europe.
In the first part, participants learned more about the EU and its different institutions as well as how to craft messages to key players within them. In the second part, they met and shared their needs and concerns with key MEPs (MEP Kim van Sparrentak, MEP Marc Angel, and MEP Alessandro Zan), and the European Parliament’s Intergroups on LGBTQI Rights and on Childrens’ Rights.
We also organised a meeting with the European Commission DG JUST Unit working on LGBTQI Equality, with the Head of Unit Susanne Knoefel and her colleagues Nadège, Jana, Margherita and Javier, to discuss the implementation of the EU LGBTIQ Equality Strategy and the needs of a new Strategy addressing the rights of children and youth.
Thank you to them as well as to all participants and facilitators, this Study Visit was a real success and we’re truly proud of the impact we achieved together as a united network!
This webinar is organised with the support of the Citizenship, Equality, Rights and Values 2021-2027 Programme of the European Union.