
Share OII Europe's Intersex Awareness Day Campaign 2023

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Share OII Europe's Campaign for Intersex Awareness Day

On the occasion of the annual Intersex Awareness Day (26 October 2023), our partners and friends OII Europe (Organisation Intersex International Europe), the umbrella organisation of European human rights based and intersex-led organisations, has launched its 2023 campaign on how to depathologise intersex people. To give greater visibility, we would like to solicit you to share so that a greater number of people will be made aware of this topic.

With their 2023 Intersex Awareness Day Campaign "Depath Intersex" OII Europe wants to help people gain an understanding of what pathologizing intersex means, why it has to stop and how we all can start depathologizing intersex. Pathologizing intersex bodies has severely negative impacts on the lives and the health of intersex people and is one of the root causes of the human rights violations they face.

For more information, please visit the campaign website and check the campaign toolkit with all the necessary information here. We thank you for your solidarity! Together we can make a difference.

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Organisation Intersex International Europe (OII)
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