
IGLYO Conference on Inter-generational Dialogue 2021

13-26 September 2021,

About this event

The aim of the Intergenerational Conference was to contribute to increasing awareness of ageism, and building skills and motivation of participants to advocate with their organisations and activist networks to increase investments in implementing intergenerational initiatives, through non-formal workshops, panels, multi-cultural peer exchanges and through a mini-grant programme to support participants’ initiatives on intergenerational contact.

The conference was initially supposed to take place physically, but, as a consequence of the epidemic, it was organised as an online event. Over 30 people registered for the conference.

Following the Conference, IGLYO launched a mini-granting scheme inviting conference participants to submit proposals for funding to implement intergenerational dialogue and contact initiatives. The aim was to engage IGLYO member organisations (LGBTQI youth organisations) in the exploration of intergenerational work.

The mini-granting resulted in some grantees creating video interviews with LGBTQI people of different generations, and some others organising community events and workshops, including living libraries, sharing life experiences across generations and other interesting ideas.

Overall, the conference received excellent reviews and feedback from the participants. Thank you to everyone who joined!

With the support of

This Conference was organised with the support of the Rights, Equality and Citizenship (REC) 2020-2014 Programme of the European Union, and the Dutch Ministry of Education Culture & Science.


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