Save the date!
We're excited to announce that this year’s IGLYO Annual Members’ Conference (AMC) will be held in Zurich, Switzerland, in collaboration with our local Member Milchjugend on 6-10 November 2025.
Full registration will open in the coming weeks but if you're a Member and do not want to miss the opening of registrations, you can already express your interest through this quick form to let us know you're planning to send a delegate to the AMC.
This is not necessary to attend the AMC and doesn’t count as a registration, but will help ensure that you save the date, are kept up to date, and don’t miss your opportunity to register your delegate later this year. It will also help us more accurately gauge how many delegates we can expect this year, and support you far in advance should your representative require a visa to travel to Switzerland.
Stay tuned for the official opening of registrations in the coming weeks!
Important disclaimer: Expressing your interest for the IGLYO AMC Zurich 2025 through the form does not count as a registration and does not guarantee you a spot at the conference. Please wait until official registration opens in the coming weeks before booking any travels.

About the IGLYO AMCs
Are you not yet familiar with our AMCs? Here’s some starter information for you to know what it’s all about while we wait for registration to open later on.
What is the IGLYO AMC?
The IGLYO Annual Members' Conference (AMC) is an important moment for Member Organisations of IGLYO. The core aim of the AMC is to hold the Members' General Assembly, where Members are updated on IGLYO's current structure and activities, and cast their votes on statutory issues.
In addition, the AMC offers opportunities to network, attend panels and workshops, and discover the local scene through an optional social programme. In other words, it is a unique chance as a Member to have a say and contribute to setting the direction of IGLYO for the future, while meeting all together in person and exchange as a united international network.
As an IGLYO Member Organisation, it is your duty to send a representative of your organisation (e.g. board member, employee or volunteer) to the General Assembly, for them to cast your votes on statutory issues. We therefore kindly ask each Member Organisation to have one official representative to participate in the AMC — or give their proxy to another Member if really no one is able to attend. Feel free to check out how last year’s IGLYO AMC Ljubljana 2024 went to see what it concretely looks like!
Who can attend?
The IGLYO AMCs are open to all IGLYO Member Organisations. For a flat fee of €50, every Member Organisation can send one representative (e.g. a board member, staff member, or volunteer from their organisation), with IGLYO covering all food and accommodation costs, as well as travel up to €300 for this person.
To be able to attend the AMC, your representative needs to:
- Be a representative (e.g. board member, employee, or volunteer) of your organisation;
- Be 18 years old or above at the time of registration (and, ideally, under 30).
So if you are a Member and your organisation is planning to send a delegate this year, whether you've chosen that person already or not, you can express your interest through this simple form to make sure you're in the loop once registration opens.
Not a Member yet but would like to join?
Our AMCs are only open to Member Organisations. The good news is that there’s still time for you to become a Member to join the IGLYO AMC Zurich 2025! You can find all the information about our Membership benefits, criteria, fees, and application process on this page.
For any questions, please contact our Communications & Network Team Jeremy and Toryn at