
Activate Youth: A Community Retreat

27 Sep - 8 Oct,
in Hopeland, Greece
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About this Members'Event

Calling all queer young people and allies in Estonia, Greece, Italy, Latvia, Slovenia and The Netherlands to join the Activate Youth Community retreat in Hopeland, Greece, on 27 September to 8 October 2024, co-organised by a Consortium of 6 organisations, among which our IGLYO Members My Rainbow Institute and Cassero LGBTI Center.

During this community retreat, you and other participants will look at what we, as young activists, can do through peer-to-peer support, experiential learning, and outdoor, nature-based activities.

If you’re interested in joining them in the Hopeland eco-community for 12 days of community building, playful rest and connecting with nature and each other, read their full info pack and apply through their application form as soon as possible (first come, first served!).

The retreat is organised by IGLYO Members My Rainbow Institute (Slovenia) and Cassero LGBTI Center (Italy), as well as by Active Rainbow (Latvia), Olde Vechte Foundation (The Netherlands), Roes Cooperativa (Greece), and Rouge Noorsootoo Keskuse (Estonia), and is co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme and Erasmus+ Jeugd.

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My Rainbow Institute
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My Rainbow Institute

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