Friendly update

Our IGLYO Annual Report 2023 is out!

December 20, 2023

Cheers to an Incredible 39th Year for IGLYO!

The year 2023 was an exciting year for IGLYO, holding our first AMC away from our home city in Brussels since 2019, launching our granting programme for Members, , continuing our relentless advocacy work, relaunching our website and visual identity to more effectively communicate the needs of LGBTQI youth, and much more. We could never have achieved this without the contribution and dedication of the many activists and organisations from around the world who every day help us to achieve our goals.

Dive into our IGLYO Annual Report 2023 for an in-depth overview of our activities in 2023 through highlights, photos, and interactive links. The Report includes sections on our current structure, our full Members list and Network composition in 2023, as well as all our events, programmes, policy actions, research outputs, and communication activities in 2023. And feel free to jump to the last section for a complete sneak peek at our activities planned in 2024!

With the support of

This report was produced with the support of the Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV) 2021-2027 programme of the European Union and the Dutch Ministry of Education Culture & Science. The contents are the sole responsibility of IGLYO and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Commission or the Dutch Ministry.

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