University Queer Research and LGBTI+ Solidarity Association (UniKuir NGO) is a rights-based association founded in 2020 to work in the field of young LGBTI+ and university students. UniKuir carries out its work under 4 programmes: Access to equal rights, media and communication, organisation and solidarity, and political participation and advocacy.
UniKuir's team includes volunteers and activists as well as staff. UniKuir's biggest allies are the LGBTI+ student communities at universities. The NGO aims to strengthen the capacity of student communities in media, organising and advocacy, to network with them and to make campuses freer and safer. And it strengthens its work with the work of volunteers.
The NGO also monitors and reports on the situation of universities in terms of LGBTI+ rights and violations against LGBTI+ students. They also monitor the honour weeks that take place on campuses, and provide legal and academic advice to university students and young LGBTI+ people.
UniKuir makes the rights demands and problems of university students and young LGBTI+ people visible to decision-makers and institutions. They monitor electoral processes and parliamentary work. They can cooperate with international and national organisations on LGBTI+ rights and report to these organisations with reference to human rights standards.
Their website covers news, developments and agendas about LGBTI+ university students and LGBTI+ student communities. It includes news, video and visual content, interviews, translations, podcasts, announcements and bulletins.